
Daddy Gibs

A home for opinions. Of all kinds.

I’m just a guy, doing his thing.

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The Miracle of 2004: Peter Gammons

Twenty years ago, something truly unbelievable happened. The Boston Red Sox, a self-described “band of idiots,” broke an 86-year curse, and won the World Series.It hadn’t happened in my father’s lifetime, or my grandfather’s lifetime.There were times I didn’t think it would happen in my lifetime.This is the first in a series of articles about…

A Soundtrack for a Civil War

I originally wrote a version of this in 2021, with the less-combative title, “A Soundtrack for Our Times.”Time, and recent events, have caused me to shave it down, and call it what it always has been: A soundtrack for the Civil War that we are entering. Bruce Springsteen – “Vigilante Man” I have to confess,…

My Favorite Show From 2022: Reservation Dogs

When did I fall in love with Reservation Dogs? It might’ve been the first episode, when I realized one of the Indian kids is named Elora Danan – after the lost baby in the 1988 fantasy movie, Willow. It becomes a running gag throughout the series, with characters recognizing her name, and reminiscing fondly about…

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